Biographical details:
6 Steven K. Donoho, Larry A. Rendell: Constructive Induction Using Fragmentary Knowledge. ICML 1996: 113-121
5 Steven K. Donoho, Larry A. Rendell: Lessons from Theory Revision Applied to Constructive Induction. ICML 1995: 185-193
4 EE Steven K. Donoho, Larry A. Rendell: Rerepresenting and Restructuring Domain Theories: A Constructive Induction Approach CoRR cs.AI/9504101: (1995)
3 Steven K. Donoho, Larry A. Rendell: Rerepresenting and Restructuring Domain Theories: A Constructive Induction Approach. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 2: 411-446 (1995)
2 Steven K. Donoho, David C. Wilkins: Exploiting the Ordering of Observed Problem-Solving Steps for Knowledge Base Refinement: An Apprenticeship Approach. AAAI 1994: 1443
1 Steven K. Donoho, David C. Wilkins: Exploiting the Ordering of Observed Problem-Solving Steps for Knowledge Base Refinement: An Apprenticeship Approach. AAAI 1994: 569-575