Biographical details:
Michael O’Donoghue’s main research interests center on how people, especially children, learn with interactive technologies. He initially worked in secondary education (11-18) as a teacher before spending five years working with colleagues in Preston and Plymouth as a presenter and producer for satellite broadcast materials. He played a leading role in the development of multimedia course provision producing courses in multimedia. He was manager of the cable television center at Blackburn College. He studied aspects of technology in support of distance learning at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, and set up and analyzed electronic communication projects for children and teachers in Sweden and the United Kingdom for his doctoral study. Though he has focused on online distance education in recent years, his interests have gravitated towards video and broadcast work: creating and researching new formats and interaction between audience and studio. He has carried out research and production work on a wide range of European- and state-funded research activities including work for British Telecommunications plc, Telia AB (Swedish Telecom), the Environment Agency U.K., the Department for the Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) U.K., and the Ministry of Defense U.K