
Ó Donnchú

Walk of life:
Assistant Secretary General (Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism)
Biographical details:

Niall O Donnchu, BSc (Econ), C(Dip) AF, is the Assistant Secretary General of the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism. There he has Responsibility for the Arts, Culture and Film Sectors. Prior to that Niall Was the Principal in charge of Communications Development, E-Commerce and The Government Broadband Programme at the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources. Niall also has extensive experience in the Energy field, was Head of the Alternative and Sustainable Energy Divisions Of the former Department of Public Enterprise and also the Gas Regulatory Division. He was also a member of the Energy Advisory Board. Niall has also Worked in the Department of Finance and the Department of the Gaeltacht and Was formerly Company Secretary of Arramara Teo. – the state owned seaweed Processing company-. Niall is on the Boards of the National Concert Hall And Culture Ireland. He is a graduate of the London School of Economics.

Specific research interests