Biographical details:
Professor of Zoology, University of Reading, 1939-53; Professor Emeritus since 1952; b. 23 Sept. 1885; y.s. of Charles Henry and Mary A.E. O’Donoghue, Lidlington, Bedfordshire. m. 1913, Elsie Joste, s.d. of Henry Broadbent Smith; two sons. Educ. King’s College, University College, London. D.SC. London 1912; Assistant Univ. Coll. Lond, 1908-12; Senior Assistant, 1913-18; Prof. of Zoology, Univ. of Manitoba, 1918-27; Lecturer Zoology, Univ. of Edinburgh, 1927-28; Reader and Director of Studies, Edinburgh, 1929-1939; Belt Memorial Fellow Medical Research, 1912-13; Director Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC., Summer 1923; Prof. Stanford University, California, by invitation, 1926; Neil Gold Medal, Royal Society, Edinburgh, 1932; President Royal Physical Society, 1933-36 ; Secretary to Ordinary Meetings, Royal Society, Edinburgh 1937-39; Publications; Introduction to Zoology for Medical Students; numerous papers in scientific journals and proceedings on Bryozoa, Opisthobranchs and Anatomy of the Vertebrata particularly the Blood-vascular system. Recreation; the outdoors. Died 28 Nov. 1961