John P


Walk of life:
Professor of neuroscience
Biographical details:

Ph.D., Brown University
Henry Merritt Wriston Professor
Department of Neuroscience

Our lab investigates how the brain turns thought into voluntary behaviors. At the core of this problem is understanding higher level neural coding- how populations of neurons represent complex information. To study neural coding we are developing novel multielectrode recording arrays suitable for chronic implantation in the cerebral cortex. We are using these multielectrode arrays to examine the coding of goal directed reaching by ensembles of cerebral cortical neurons and to examine how ensembles change when a new motor skill is learned. Our laboratory works closely with several other Brown Brain Science faculty members to develop and test theories of higher order representation and to generate new mathematical tools to examine neural codes. We are also applying our knowledge of neural codes for movement to build brain computer interfaces. These devices can potentially be used a neural prosthetic to restore movement to paralyzed humans.

Hatsopoulos NG, Harrison MT, Donoghue JP. Representations based on neuronal interactions in motor cortex. Prog Brain Res 2001;130:233-44

Maynard EM, Hatsopoulos NG, Ojakangas CL, Acuna BD, Sanes JN, Normann RA, Donoghue JP. Neuronal interactions improve cortical population coding of movement direction. J Neurosci. 1999 Sep 15;19(18):8083-93.

S. Martel1, N. Hatsopoulos2, I. Hunter1, J. Donoghue2, J. Burgert1, J. Malasek1, C. Wiseman1, R. Dyer1 Development Of A Wireless Brain Implant: The Telemetric Electrode Array System (TEAS) Project IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

Jerome N. Sanes and John P. Donoghue Plasticity and Primary Motor Cortex. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2000 23: 393-415.

Specific research interests