Places of the Name

Bayonne, New Jersey
Who the place was named after?:
Mary J Donohoe
Who was he/she?:
Miss Mary J. Donohoe, principal of Bayonne School #4 from 1895 to 1933, was born in 1862. The daughter of John and Bridget Donohoe, Miss Donohoe was born across from the present location of this school at 33 Dodge Street. This remained her residence for her entire life. When not at her Bayonne home, Miss Donohoe would spend the summer months at her home in Asbury Park, New Jersey. A star pupil during her elementary and secondary school years, Miss Donohoe attended the original school building on this site during the 1860's. It was during these years that she began to consider a career in education. Pursuing her ambition, Miss Donohoe joined the school's faculty in 1878 as a substitute teacher at a salary of two hundred dollars a year. Miss Donohoe proved to be an extremely competent and popular teacher with both her students and fellow teachers. In 1894, she was appointed vice principal at the school. Assuming the principalship in 1895, Miss Donohoe remained in the position until her retirement in 1933. The highlight of her career came in 1921, when school number four on East Fifth Street was rebuilt and named the Mary J. Donohoe School in honor of one whose entire life was devoted to the service of others. Upon her reitrement in 1933, one of the largest ceremonies ever held in the city was given in her honor. Miss Donohoe served the Bayonne School System for over 55 years and, at her death on March 23rd, 1941 at the age of 79, she was mourned by thousands of her former students whose lives were made a little richer because of her presence.
Why it was named after him/her?:
Because she was such a prominent teacher from 1895 to 1933
When it was named after him/her?:

Specific research interests