Tithe Applotment Books 1820 for County Clare
This file has the tithe applotment books entries for County Clare With thanks to Dwaine O’Donohue Please click on this link to review the data TABs Clare 0624
1659 ‘Census’ of Ireland
1659 Census Pender’s Census, or Petty’s Census, was undertaken by the English economist William Petty between December 1654 and 1659. This ‘census’ was completed on behalf of the Commonwealth government probably as part of the Down Survey.
Southern campaign American revolution pension statements and rosters
s35900 Pension application of James Donoho ( Donohoe, Danaho, Donehu) 1818 Click on the file to see to the details Click on the heading in the file to go to the source site Contributed by Gary Dunaway
The Kenmare & Inchiquin Manuscripts
These are largely O’Donoghue 17th and 18th century tenancy records of the Lords Kenmare in Kerry and Inchiquin in Clare Transcribed and submitted by Vincent O’Donoghue
17th & very early 18th century records relating to Tipperary, Galway, Cork & Westmeath
17th & very early 18th century O’Donoghue records relating to Tipperary, Galway, Cork & Westmeath Transcribed and submitted by Vincent O’Donoghue
Registry of Deeds
One will entry date 1725 from Abstract of Wills Transcribed and submitted by Vincent O’Donoghue
Irish soldiers overseas
Records of O’Donoghue soldiers in the Catholic armies of Europe in 17th and 18th centuries Transcribed and submitted by Vincent O’Donoghue
Fiants of Elizabeth I
A ‘fiant’ was a warrant by the deputy or council to the Irish Chancery to prepare letters-patent—published written orders to convey a right, an office, title to property or a pardon. The Fiants are statements of command. The term comes from the first word of the customary opening protocol in these documents: Fiant litterae patentes […]
Calendar of Ormond Deeds
These are deeds from the 14th to 17th centuries, largely in Kilkenny, which have references to O’Donoghues Transcribed and submitted by Vincent O’Donoghue