The Donahoe Nexus was a quarterly publication of genealogical information about our name which was published in the late eighties/nineties in the USA by a Lynn Wood. This is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in tracing their family history, particularly in the USA – there are around 120 separate people of the name listed in the index of just one volume and another 150 of other names. Lynn clearly dug around in all sorts of records and published everything she found, and there is some wonderful material there.
The LDS library contains Vol. 1 no. 1 (summer 1989) – vol. 8 no. 4 (spring 1997), with some pages lacking.See http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Library/fhlcatalog/supermainframeset.asp?display=titledetails&titleno=406462&disp=Donahoe+nexus%20%20&columns=*,180,0
All volumes have been captured and loaded on the Resources area of the web site.
Team members
Paul Dunfee Johnson, Gerry Bade, Pat Donahue Calhoun, Dan Donohue to whom much thanks is due
Project is now completed