Descendants of John Donohugh of Mallow, Cork, Ireland

The Donohughs of Mallow, County Cork, Ireland Contributed by Ginny Chung (member 174) and William A Donahoe III (member 73)

I started out researching the DONAHOES of 26 Everett St, Dorchester, Massachusetts. That was the home of my Grandfather William A DONAHOE Ist. I am William A DONAHOE III. We were brought up fiercely defending the spelling of our name DONAHOE. It was a great surprise to learn from the heritage center in Mallow that my great great grandfather was John DONOHUGH. When his son, Patrick DONAHOE, arrived in Boston, Mass. in the 1850s, he somehow took on the spelling of the then publisher of the Boston Pilot (originally Donahoe’s Messenger), Patrick DONAHOE.

It is also very interesting that, within this family, the name was spelled differently. I went to school with DONAHUES, DONOHUES, O’DONOGHUES etc, and never even gave it a thought that they could be my cousins.

We have posted a family history and tree on this site Nearly all the data that has been collected in this DONOHUGHS OF MALLOW file is through the efforts of my cousin Ginny CHUNG. She is an avid genealogist and without her zeal this history would not be as complete as it is.

If anyone researching the "DONNCHADHA" family feels they may be connected.

Please contact Ginny at or Bill Donahoe at

August 2002
Chapter: others
County: Cork

Specific research interests